We are pleased to have joined forces with TOYCYTE to bring you a treat for this coming holiday. It is a major giveaway of some really cool TOY2R products along withsome of the newest QEE releases. we offered to give a massive prize package to two lucky ToyCyte readers. The bounty includes over $700 of Toy2R merchandise!
The Rules: There are two ways to win:
THE EASY WAY: 2nd prize will go to someone who leaves a comment below. Tell us why you need these Qee. Are you missing some Space Monkeys? Can’t get enough Kozik? Roommate sold yours on eBay? Need more stuffto dust? It can’t be easier. Really.
THE ‘HELP US HELP YOU’ WAY: 1st prize will get the bigger chunk of Qee from the list above and some special last-minute add-ons directfrom Toy2R. To win, just link to this contest on your blog, website orforum. If you post in a forum, make sure it has a unique thread so wecan track it. Post the URL where you linked to us in the commentssection below in order to get credit (and hey, reciprocal linking iscool). The person who helps spread the word and brings the mostvisitors to ToyCyte between when the contest goes live and the deadlinewill win first prize. Here’s a handy graphic you can use to link to this page:
Deadline: Halloween at midnight PST. Winners will beannounced November 1st 2008.