TOY2R proudly announces the second POP UP STORE ¡V this time in Philly in conjunction with the group exhibit: GIVE LESS FRUITCAKE, BUY MORE ART!, opening at T&P Fine Art on December 5th at 7:00pm. The exhibit will include artwork by:
Andy B. Clarkson, Angry Woebots, Benjamin Soto, Bob Dob, Brandon Friend, Brian M. Viveros, Chris Clark, Crazy Jake, Damion Silver, Dan May, Daniel Elson, Dave Pressler, Deborah Brackenbury, Ephameron, Food One, GALO, Isaac Pierro, Joe Grady, Joka, Kate Westerholt, Kevin Knight, Mad One, Matthew Ryan Sharp, Mark Bodnar, Misha, Morning Breath, Nathan Stapley, Parker Jacobs, Peter Chan, Rob Schwager, Sarah Folkman, Scott Musgrove, Steven Cerio, and Urban Medium
While the exhibit carries on ¡V T & P will also feature TOY2R products by FRANK KOZIK and others. Figures will be on sale and display from December 5th through the 28th! Time to ring in the holidays with great art and some cool figures.
T & P FINE ART can be found at 1143 South 9th St. Philadelphia, PA 17147. Hours of operation: WED through SUN 3-9PM.