HK International Toys Festival ¡VWorld' s Toy Centre
Venue: Centenary Garden, Chatham Road South, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Remark: Open to Public
Date: 6 Jan 2008 (Sunday)
Kick-off CeremonyTime: 12:30 ¡V16:30
Qee Meet-and-greetTime: 13:00 - 13:15 & 15:30 - 15:45 (Area 1)
Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI), HK Toys Council and the Toys Manufacturers' Association of HK will host the first HK International Toys Festival from January 6 to 9 (Sunday to Wednesday) to promote the status of Hong Kong as the world's toy centre. Funded by the TID's SME Development Fund and other sponsors, the ToysFestival welcomes participation from the industry.
About Federation of Hong Kong Industries:The Federation of Hong Kong Industries was established underOrdinance, Cap 321 of the laws of Hong Kong, in 1960. The objectivesof the Federation are to promote and foster the interests of Hong Kong's industrial and business communities. Promote trade, investment, technological advancement, manpower development, and business opportunities in Hong Kong. To represent business's views and advisethe government on policies and legislation which affect business.
I went there too!Can you guess who I am?
That mascot is awesome.
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