It is my Honor Toy2r receive the Innovative Entrepreneur Award of the Year 2007, it shows the Hong Kong Market is recognizing the Important of Creativeworks. Toy2r will continue to bringing modern production and handcraftstogether in an effort to create a host of New results for Designer ArtToy market.
IE 2007 Award Presentation by City Junior Chamber¡u
Dated: 11th August 2007 at 11:30 am
Location: Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel
IE 2007 Award Presentation by City Junior Chamber¡u
Dated: 11th August 2007 at 11:30 am
Location: Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel
Always try your Best to be concern on your customer side! you will build a long termrelationship with their grow.
The story of Toy2r begins in 1995 when I am opens my own toy shop, all my time spend as anavid Toy collector, Toy seller, Toy trader and Toy importer would figure strongly in thevision i had for how Toy2r would do business. The DIY (Do it yourself) Qee figures are agreat example of bringing modern production and handcrafts together in an effort to create ahost of New results. I am happy this marvelous idea lead to me to win the JCI 2007, It is anincandescent reminder that our world is rich with creative talent that is ours explore, torevel in, and to wonder at.
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